This project is about learning to build a mobile eco-village for people that want to find out and develop a cosmopolitan life-style. It will be temporary in all aspects: who is there, where is is, what duration, how much involved in a particular eco-community: weeks, months, years, group size, group core-activity. All to be mobile and re-sizeable.

And in line with how youth and students travel over the world to experience, learn and exchange. And then to offer the permanency of such a mobile life style because the practical tools for it: the community space -a dome- and as private space a mobile tiny wagon is DIY, attainable and highly comfortable.

What to learn

  • The perspective is the near-future, not the present. The present is discussed as a work field to understand what can be done now, specially the unexplored options, such as that are (or where) base for Demotech designs.
  • Understanding why to avoid financial investment that limits freedom for fast adaption to new opportunities.
  • Practical examples of how this can work in practice.
  • Active search for cases of similar quality.


  • Take the calculated risk to design, organise and make that highly attractive element that energises the Summerschool crowd, assuming this to be a group of 20 people maximum.
  • To have ready at the start of Fusion festival a prototype or at least a mock-up of the communal dome and the private mobile living space.
  • The Fusion festival itself is the ‘market’ for inviting students for the SummerSchool. A team has to be in place for promotion and intake- and selection-interviews.
  • A teaching and guidance team has to be ready to start the course. This is a leap in the dark, but copying other SummerSchool practice reports may help.
  • The alternative is heading for organic growth of the teaching team, a few support staff in interaction with the students who have applied. This to get a flat horizontal working group, while this process is also to be the content and target of the SummerSchool.